it’s pretty smart…

Follow where your passion steers you. Find a need that you can make better. Work with people who share your passion...

“In my 42 years of experience, I always wanted a tool that would help me and my firms save time, make more money, but more importantly, simplify the process. I looked hard to find a solution and couldn't, so I made my own.”

Mark Kubinski
SAM Founder / CEO

Mark Kubinski
Founder & CEO | bio

Gregg Davis
Chief Information Officer | bio

Todd Steinberg
Executive VP Sales | bio

Kam Rajakumar
Director, Product Development | bio

Matthew Link
Director Sales | bio

Alex Meschi
Director, Operations
+ Marketing | bio

William Wilkes
Director Business Dev

Chris Mendes
VP Engineering | bio

Michael Roche
Branding and Design | bio

we believe the only way to make history is to change it…